Still on the fence about whether or not to send out holidays cards this year? Technology has streamlined our communication but has lost some of the personal touches along the way. Here’s a few reasons to keep the snail mail alive.
It's Fun
By this point, most of us have Amazon prime or something along the lines of Birch Box. It’s exciting to receive a package in the mail. How much more exciting would it be to receive something in the mail that is from someone else and not a bill or junk? As the sender, you can give the gift of joy and excitement. It’s also a great way to personalize it and share something you are thankful for.
In The Loop
Holiday cards a great way to keep your friends and family in the loop. “How much taller did little Billy really get?” “Oh look, they got a dog!” Holidays cards are one of the times of the year where we forced to look for photos to print. They are also a great way to reconnect with friends, family or clients if too much time has passed.
Handwritten cards aren’t only a gift those you are sending them to. It’s also a gift for you. It’s a time to unplug and put pen to paper. Instead of posting to someone’s wall, you can post something for someone’s wall at home.
Collector's Items
Holiday cards bring joy and are hard to get rid of. Like any collector’s item, they are great for displaying. Holiday cards even become part of the holiday decor in homes. And, like any unique collector’s item, holiday cards are becoming easier and easier to personalize.
Grandma & Grandpa
Know someone who isn’t tech or social media savvy? Well, this is definitely your best option to reaching them.
Here are some tips to successfully getting your Holiday Card game on:
Collect addresses. It’s suggested to do this digitally so you can have the option to print addresses straight to the envelope or a label if handwriting it is too time consuming. I will also save you from hand cramps. There’s a number of digital options for collecting address including online platforms or even a simple Google Doc Form. While you’re at it, collect birthdays and updated phone numbers.
Set your budget. In addition or purchasing or making your cards, you’ll also want to budget for postage.
Choose your card wisely. Will you DIY, design it online or find a fun one in stores? Will you card be religious or secular? How much time do you want to put into the cards? DIY is great, but remember you’ll also need to write names, notes, and addresses. If DIY is too time consuming for your and store bought isn’t personal enough, you can create your own from a number of online retailers which allow you to pick from different photos, colors and styles. Just keep in mind the time you want to commit.
- Send your cards! Didn’t get through writing all of them. Send the ones you were able to write! Joy starts with just one card sent.